Updated On: 12-Sep-2024
Details instruction regarding Field trips for Std-1
Greetings from SEM
Dear Parents,
At Samithi, we strongly believe that field trips are an integral part of a child's learning journey. They provide valuable opportunities for experiential learning, allowing children to try new things while gaining important life skills.
We are pleased to share the schedule for the upcoming field trip. Kindly review the details below to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.
Date: 23rd September 2024
Day: Monday
Class: 1st (A, B, and C)
Theme: Aviary Visit( Kisna Bird Sanctuary)
Timing: Regular school hours
- Please send Rs. 80 with your child on 13th September, without fail, to cover the entry fee for the bird park.
- Ensure your child is dressed in their full, clean school uniform, and that they carry their ID card, which is mandatory.
- We kindly request that you provide light snacks and water for your child. Avoid heavy meals in the early morning.
- If your child is unwell or facing health concerns, please do not feel obligated to send them on the trip.
We truly believe that field trips offer the best opportunities for students to discover, explore, and practically engage with the real world alongside their classmates.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,