9:00am - 4:00pm, Mon - Sun
Managed by
Kerala Kala Samithi (Regd. Surat)
Current Updates
Updated On: 22-Mar-2024

πŸ“Œ Summer camp 2023-24

Summer camps enable children to develop confidence, independence, social skills, leadership skills, and physical fitness. Summer camp is a specially crafted program designed for children during their summer vacation holidays as they come together and have fun while learning lifelong lessons with peers . βœ“ We have already uploaded the circular regarding The Camp to be conducted by effective collaboration with KIYO NURSERY ( for Nursery to std 2) a well known pre school and day care academy in Surat and Scientific camp of Surat for STD 3 to 9. βœ“ Request you all to enroll your kids for the camp as we assure you all that they will learn many new things which they need for the further nourishment in their educational journey. βœ“ Registration fees for the Camp ( std 3 to 9) have been already informed during PTM that is 1300/- and for Nursery to std 1 & 2 is 950. (10 days camp + 1 day Culmination program along with parents+materials will be provided from the school) wherein the child will present what they learnt throughout these 10 days of camping. βœ“ Payment for the camp can be paid till April 10th. But make sure you register your child's name by 26th March to their class teacher. Timings and time table will be shared after the registration process. Outside kids are also allowed. βœ“ We truly believe that Parents as well as teachers are true motivators and mentors for our children. Together we can do many things to develop their skills and build in confidence to perform well for their better future. Grab the opportunity to be a part of the skill development program... Regards, SEM
Other Notice(s)

06-Dec-2024 Important Notice
18-Oct-2024 test from samithi
10-Apr-2024 Update| Summer Camp
23-Jan-2024 Regarding SDG Event
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18-Sep-2023 SOF EXAM Schedule
30-Jun-2023 PA 1 TIME TABLE
23-Jun-2023 Rescheduled PTM
24-Apr-2023 Carry Mobile Phones
26-Mar-2023 Message for SrKg
16-Mar-2023 Summer Camp
28-Feb-2023 Remedial Classes
25-Feb-2023 Regarding Worksheet
25-Feb-2023 Regarding Worksheet
14-Feb-2023 For std I to VIII,
03-Feb-2023 Farewell ceremony
28-Jan-2023 Attention Parents
25-Jan-2023 Republic Day
24-Jan-2023 Dodging test
09-Jan-2023 Dodging test
07-Jan-2023 Important Reminder
07-Jan-2023 Important Notice
06-Jan-2023 Important Notice
06-Jan-2023 Regarding PTM
05-Jan-2023 Spelling test
05-Jan-2023 SST Extra Notes